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2003 Vidalia Onion Festival

Each Spring, Vidalia anticipates the harvest of Georgia�s Official State Vegetable, the internationally known, Vidalia Sweet Onion. Since 1978, we have celebrated this special occasion with an array of fun-filled events. You and your family are invited to share in the natural beauty and color of Spring in Vidalia during the 26th Annual Vidalia Onion Festival.



11:00am����������������� Dedication Ceremony Student Activities Center � Brewton-Parker College

Brewton-Parker College in Mount Vernon celebrates its 100th year of providing Baptist-supported education.
They will dedicate their new Student Activities Center.

11:00am����������������� Altama Museum of Art and HistoryJackson Street � Vidalia

The museum located in the historic 1911 Brazell House, has a permanent collection including 18th and 19th century American and European prints, 20th century Southern prints and 18th and 19th century porcelain collection. The featured exhibit for the festival will be A Gallery Garden, a collection of large-scale flower paintings by Charles Warnock. Open from 11am-4pm. For more information call (912) 537-1911.

11:00am����������������� 2nd Annual 4-Man Onion Scramble Rocky Creek Golf Course � Foxfire Drive

Entry fee $120 per player. All paid registrations before April 1st will receive a golf shirt. Complimentary lunch begins at 11am. Play begins at 12:30pm. Awards ceremony will follow tournament. Cash prizes will be awarded. For more information contact Hal Chesser (912) 537-8805 or Victor Hart (912) 538-8885 Sponsored by the Vidalia Rotary Club.

5:00pm������������������� Opening CeremoniesSoutheastern Technical College � Highway 280

Fireworks are at 8:30pm. One of the largest and most dazzling displays of fireworks in Southeast Georgia. Entertainment provided by local talent. Recreation events will be provided for children of all ages. Don�t miss the famous Budweiser Clydesdales. This is a family event, so bring your lawn chairs and blankets and come join the fun.� For more information, please contact Tracey Adams at (912) 538-3157. Sponsored by Darby Bank & Trust Co., Dot Foods, Onion Country Healthlink, and Oxford Industries, Inc.

6:00pm������������������� Children�s ParadeSoutheastern Technical College � Highway 280
Children should arrive at Chamber of Commerce Parking Lot for parade entry, judging, and lineup at 5:30pm. Awards Presentation at STC at 6:30pm. Located at Southeastern Technical College. This year�s theme is Under the Sea. Prizes awarded for best costumes. No registration forms required. For more information, contact Tracey Adams at (912) 538-3157. Sponsored by McDonalds/Findlay Management.

6:00pm������������������� CarnivalKiwanis Fairgrounds � Airport Road � off of Highway 280 East

The world�s finest riding devices and attractions provided by Geren Rides. Fun for the entire family.
For more information, contact Tracey Clark at (912) 537-3017. Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club.

8:00pm������������������� Christian ComedyStudent Activities Center � Brewton-Parker College

Featuring comedian, Dennis Swanberg. Known as �American�s Minister of Encouragement�, Swanberg is host of the cable network variety show Swan�s Place on the Odyssey Channel and WPHJ. Tickets are $10 per person. For more information call 583-3207, or visit Sponsored by Brewton-Parker College.


CLICK for details� ������ All Aboard! Come Ride the Train!Downtown Vidalia

SAM Shortline, is a new Southwest Georgia Excursion Train, operated by the Heart of Georgia Railroad. SAM has an interesting history that reaches back into the late 19th century. You�ll enjoy a mix of romantic yesteryear with the excitement of today�s South. One hour ride (East to West). Advance tickets available in downtown Vidalia with participating merchants. For More information, contact Paula Toole at (912) 537-8033. Sponsored by Downtown Vidalia Association, Main Street.


9:00am������������������� Ladson Genealogy Library119 Church Street � Downtown Vidalia

Monday � Friday 9am-1pm, and 2pm-6pm. Besides the onion, come see our area�s other incredible treasure! A genealogical library containing one of the most extensive and valuable collections of genealogical materials in the country. For more information call (912) 537-8186.

11:00am���������������� What's Happening on Main StreetMeadows Street Park � Downtown Vidalia (11am-2pm)
Visit beautiful, historic downtown Vidalia. A World of Arts and Crafts presents artist, Pat Appling. Also featuring Savannah College of Art & Design. Browse downtown, and visit our unique specialty shops, where the unusual is the usual.� All streets lead to downtown, where you can enjoy "Vidalia Onion" burgers, hotdogs, sausage and desserts cooked by downtown merchants. Vidalia's original wooden onion crafts by Jack Fields will be available. Bring your camera for a photo with Yumion. Danny New, author of A Body Under Seige will be signing his published book about MS and the Onion Story. Plenty of parking, picnic tables, and fun. For more information, contact Paula Toole at (912) 537-8033. Sponsored by Downtown Vidalia Association Main Street.

11:00am����������������� Altama Museum of Art and HistoryJackson Street � Vidalia

The museum located in the historic 1911 Brazell House, has a permanent collection including 18th and 19th century American and European prints, 20th century Southern prints and 18th and 19th century porcelain collection. The featured exhibit for the festival will be A Gallery Garden, a collection of large-scale flower paintings by Charles Warnock. Open from 11am-4pm. For more information call (912) 537-1911.

1:30pm������������������� Paul Anderson Youth Home 1603 McIntosh Street � across from Choo Choo Build-It Mart � Vidalia

Toombs County is home to more than just the World�s sweetest onions. Paul Anderson, the World�s strongest man established a home for troubled youth here in 1961. In those 40 plus years, the Paul Anderson Youth Home has seen countless lives transformed. The tour begins promptly at 1:30pm. Come see how the Paul Anderson Youth Home is shaping men of character. For more information contact Drew Read at (912) 537-7237.

2:00pm������������������� The Story of the World Famous Vidalia OnionBlue Marquee � US Hwy 1 � Downtown Lyons

Don�t miss this! A restored historical treasure itself, the Blue Marquee will host the presentation on the history and economic impact of the Vidalia Onion. Nostalgia will envelop you as you sit and learn more about our natural phenomenon that can�t be duplicated anywhere else. Shipped world wide, the Vidalia is Georgia�s State Vegetable. For more information contact: Tina Wheeler at (912) 537-1918.���������������

4:00pm������������������� Children�s Book IllustrationBlue Marquee � US Hwy 1 � Downtown Lyons

The publisher and illustrator of the children�s book series about Georgia featuring Yumion, a walking, talking Vidalia Onion, will demonstrate the fun of illustrating. She and Rhonda Kight, the author of the series, will be featured in Southern Living magazine in April. Yumion books and autographs will be available at the time. This will be an entertaining afternoon at a must-see location. This presentation is for children, and all young at heart. It is sure to bring back the youth in all of us.

After the presentation, caricatures of your child with Yumion will be available. Come just us for a lively afternoon!

For more information contact, Pam Alexander at [email protected]

6:00pm������������������� CarnivalKiwanis Fairgrounds � Airport Road � off of Highway 280 East

The world�s finest riding devices and attractions provided by Geren Rides. Fun for the entire family.
For more information, contact Tracey Clark at (912) 537-3017. Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club.

7:00pm������������������� Street Dance � Downtown Vidalia

Located in beautiful, historic downtown Vidalia, the street dance promises to be the best ever. The popular band, The Classic Rock Allstars, are the featured performers. The band consists of original members of Sugarloaf, Iron Butterfly,

Alice Cooper, Rare Earth, and Cannibal & the Headhunters. Check out their website at Also, Vidalia�s very own Out of the Blue will be our country band. The famous Budweiser Clydesdales will be dancing on the

street with us. There will be children�s rides, food to tempt any appetite, and other exciting surprises for the entire family

to enjoy. For general information on the street dance, contact Chari Lothridge at (912) 538-9872. For vendor information, contact Tammye Vaughn at (912) 526-8181, extension 120.

8:00pm������������������� World Wide RodeoRocky Creek Saddle Club Arena � US Highway 1 South4.5 miles south of Lyons

Admission price: ages 5 and under, free; ages 6-12 $5.00;and 13 and older, $10. This year�s rodeo is sanctioned

by the Worldwide Rodeo Association and will present professional stock and contestants. Show will consist of

professional clown acts, bronc riding, steer wrestling, team roping, Cowgirls Barrel Racing, Junior Barrel Racing,

calf roping and bull riding. For more information, contact Henry Carter (912) 594-6265.� Sponsored by Harton Dodge

and Rocky Creek Saddle Club.


CLICK for details����� All Aboard! Come Ride the Train! Downtown Vidalia

SAM Shortline, is a new Southwest Georgia Excursion Train, operated by the Heart of Georgia Railroad. SAM has an interesting history that reaches back into the late 19th century. You�ll enjoy a mix of romantic yesteryear with the excitement of today�s South. One hour ride (East to West). Advance tickets available in downtown Vidalia with participating merchants. For More information, contact Paula Toole at (912) 537-8033. Sponsored by Downtown Vidalia Association, Main Street.

7:30am������������������� 26th Annual Vidalia Onion RunFirst Baptist Parking Lot � Downtown Vidalia

One Mile Fun Run and Walk; 5k and 10k Onion Run and Walk; $3,500 in cash prizes available. $1,500 cash bonus for male and female course record setters in 10K run; 5 drawings for $100 each; awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places male and female finishers in all age divisions of the 5k and 10k Onion Run; and 1st place awards for male and female overall winners in Fun Run.� T-shirts to all entrants. Pre-registration on or before April 2. Pre-registration entry fee $9; day of the race $13. Fruits and fluids for participants. All activities located at First Baptist in Downtown Vidalia at intersection of First and Church Streets.� For more information contact Howard Holman at [email protected].

Sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Vidalia.

8:00am������������������� Air ShowVidalia Municipal Airport� - Gates open at 8am, show starts at 12:30pm

The world famous Blue Angels will be our featured performers at this year's air show. With 200,000 pounds of combined thrust, you can feel the power and the heat of these magnificent machines. From the 700 mph solo sneak pass, to the famous Diamond 360 Formation where only 18 inches separate the jets, experience the extreme performance of the F-18 Hornets piloted by top Navy and Marine Corp pilots.� Also see a performance by Fat Albert, the Blue Angels� Jet Assisted C-130.� You will never get closer to the �Blues� since Vidalia has been granted an FAA exception for the closest allowable crowd line. Other performers include Shockwave, the World's fastest jet truck, Red Eagle Formation Team and Talon Eagle Aerobatics, Paramount Aerobatics, Careers in Aviation jet dogfight, Walker Hester�s Strikemaster Jet Aerobatics, the Flying Farmer, Dan Buchanan�s Pyro Hang Glider, Jamail Larkin in his first air show season, and a special Cobra Helicopter demo by Sky Soldiers.� Also see military fly-bys, military and civilian planes on static display, simulators, kiddie rides and lots of food and novelty vendors. Rides will be available on a Vietnam era �Huey� Helicopter and also on a Monster Truck. The famous Budweiser Clydesdales will also join us. Gates open at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.� One show each day beginning at 12:30 p.m.� Free parking at airport and off site with shuttle to airport.� Advance tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for ages 5 to 12.� Children under 5 are admitted free.� Avoid the lines, get your advance tickets at (keyword: Blue Angels or Vidalia), or purchase locally at the Toombs-Montgomery Chamber of Commerce or Vidalia City Hall.� Tickets at the gate will be $10 for adults and $5 for ages 5 to 12. For more information, contact the Vidalia Area CVB at (912) 538-8687. Sponsored by Choo Choo Build-It Mart, City of Vidalia, BB&T, The Southern Company, Harton Automotive Group LLC, Lark Builders, Montgomery County Bank, The Trane Company, Dees Golf Carts, Harry Moses Construction, Coleman Sales, Inc., Meadows Regional Medical Center, and Southern Linc/Go Communications.

9:00am������������������� Ladson Genealogy Library119 Church Street � Downtown Vidalia

Monday � Friday 9am-1pm, and 2pm-6pm. Besides the onion, come see our area�s other incredible treasure! A genealogical library containing one of the most extensive and valuable collections of genealogical materials in the country. For more information call (912) 537-8186.

9:00am������������������� The Sweet Onion Car, Truck and Motorcycle ShowVidalia Onion Factory � Highway 280 East

Registration 9am to Noon; Judged Competition from Noon to 2pm; Awards at 3pm. Open to all cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Several special awards such as Best of Show, Best Paint, and Club Participation are among the awards given. Burgers, hotdogs, onion rings, onion souvenirs and free factory tours. Families can browse through the gift shop. Plenty of parking is available. Located on Hwy. 280, near Wal-mart. For more information call Jeff Stanley at
(912) 526-3466. Sponsored by The Vidalia Onion Factory.

10:00am����������������� Carnival Kiwanis Fairgrounds � Airport Road � off of Highway 280 East

The world�s finest riding devices and attractions provided by Geren Rides. Fun for the entire family.
For more information, contact Tracey Clark at (912) 537-3017. Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club.

10:00am����������������� Arts and Crafts FestivalAirport Road � off of Highway 280 East

10am-6pm. Admission fee: $3 for Adults; $1 for Children. Features artists and crafters from throughout the Southeastern states. Lots of good food and something for everyone! Celebrities and special events. For more information, contact Ruth Brice (912) 537-3610. Sponsored by Vidalia Woman�s Club and the Vidalia Lions Club.

11:00am����������������� Concert in the Park Gazebo on Meadows Street � Downtown Vidalia

Enjoy an outside concert in Historic Downtown Vidalia. The Wallace Brothers will be performing. Rain location:

Ohoopee Regional Council for the Arts, 117 SE Main St. For more information call: Jamie Cloud at (912) 537-8459

������������������������������� Sponsored by Ohoopee Regional Council for the Arts.

1:00pm������������������� Altama Museum of Art and HistoryJackson Street � Vidalia

The museum located in the historic 1911 Brazell House, has a permanent collection including 18th and 19th century American and European prints, 20th century Southern prints and 18th and 19th century porcelain collection. The featured exhibit for the festival will be A Gallery Garden, a collection of large-scale flower paintings by Charles Warnock. Open from 11am-4pm. For more information call (912) 537-1911.


3:00 pm������������������ World Famous Onion Eating ContestLocated at Arts and Crafts Festival
Age categories 1-11, 12-15, 16 & older.� Prizes will be awarded in each category.
For more information contact Tracey Clark at (912) 537-3017.

������������������������������� Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club.

7:00pm ���������������� � 4th Annual Vidalia Onion Culinary ExtravaganzaSoutheastern Technical College

Executive Chef Cynthia Creighton-Jones of the DeSoto Hilton in Savannah, brings her international culinary expertise to

our stage this year. Come join us for fabulous onion recipes. No admission will be charged. For information, contact

Alexa Chapman at (912) 538-8289.

7:00pm ������������������� The Depot Dessert ExpressHighway 280 East � Lyons Depot (7:00-10:00pm)

The Lyons Depot Cargo Room is the chic locale for a night of entertainment and desserts to sooth the soul and lift the spirits. There�s nothing sweeter than the Vidalia Onion, except the desserts at the Lyons Depot. A luscious dessert, coffee/drink, live entertainment, and distinctive surroundings all add up to a relaxing and memorable evening. Come enjoy the ambience the Cargo Room has to offer. Admission is $10. Advance tickets are available, as well as at the door. Casual dress. For further information, contact Dorsey Hart at (912) 526-3574. Sponsored by the Lyons Merchants Association.

8:00pm������������������� World Wide RodeoRocky Creek Saddle Club Arena � US Highway 1 South4.5 miles south of Lyons

Admission price: ages 5 and under, free; ages 6-12 $5.00;and 13 and older, $10. This year�s rodeo is sanctioned by the Worldwide Rodeo Association and will present professional stock and contestants. Show will consist of professional clown acts, bronc riding, steer wrestling, team roping, Cowgirls Barrel Racing, Junior Barrel Racing, calf roping and bull riding. For more information, contact Henry Carter (912) 594-6265.� Sponsored by Harton Dodge and Rocky Creek Saddle Club.


8:00am������������������� Air ShowVidalia Municipal Airport - Gates open at 8am, show starts at 12:30pm

The world famous Blue Angels will be our featured performers at this year's air show. With 200,000 pounds of combined thrust, you can feel the power and the heat of these magnificent machines. From the 700 mph solo sneak pass, to the famous Diamond 360 Formation where only 18 inches separate the jets, experience the extreme performance of the F-18 Hornets piloted by top Navy and Marine Corp pilots.� Also see a performance by Fat Albert, the Blue Angels� Jet Assisted

C-130.� You will never get closer to the �Blues� since Vidalia has been granted an FAA exception for the closest allowable crowd line. Other performers include Shockwave, the World's fastest jet truck, Red Eagle Formation Team and Talon Eagle Aerobatics, Paramount Aerobatics, Careers in Aviation jet dogfight, Walker Hester�s Strikemaster Jet Aerobatics, the Flying Farmer, Dan Buchanan�s Pyro Hang Glider, Jamail Larkin in his first air show season, and a special Cobra Helicopter demo by Sky Soldiers.� Also see military fly-bys, military and civilian planes on static display, simulators, kiddie rides and lots of food and novelty vendors. Rides will be available on a Vietnam era �Huey� Helicopter and also on a Monster Truck. The famous Budweiser Clydesdales will also join us. Gates open at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.� One show each day beginning at 12:30 p.m. Free parking at airport and off site with shuttle to airport.� Advance tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for ages 5 to 12. Children under 5 are admitted free.� Avoid the lines, get your advance tickets at (keyword: Blue Angels or Vidalia), or purchase locally at the Toombs-Montgomery Chamber of Commerce or Vidalia City Hall.� Tickets at the gate will be $10 for adults and $5 for ages 5 to 12. For more information, contact the Vidalia Area CVB at (912) 538-8687. Sponsored by Choo Choo Build-It Mart, City of Vidalia, BB&T, The Southern Company, Harton Automotive Group LLC, Lark Builders, Montgomery County Bank, The Trane Company, Dees Golf Carts, Harry Moses Construction, Coleman Sales, Inc., Meadows Regional Medical Center, and Southern Linc/Go Communications.

11:00am����������������� Arts and Crafts FestivalAirport Road � off of Highway 280 East

10am-6pm. Admission fee: $3 for Adults; $1 for Children. Features artists and crafters from throughout the Southeastern states. Lots of good food and something for everyone! Celebrities and special events. For more information, contact

Ruth Brice (912) 537-3610. Sponsored by Vidalia Woman�s Club and the Vidalia Lions Club.

12:00pm����������������� Carnival Kiwanis Fairgrounds � Airport Road � off of Highway 280 East

The world�s finest riding devices and attractions provided by Geren Rides. Fun for the entire family.
For more information, contact Tracey Clark at (912) 537-3017. Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club.

For more information, please contact the Vidalia Area Convention
and Visitors Bureau at (912) 538-8687 or [email protected]

Known around the world for sweet onions, the Vidalia area is full of local flavor�and
we don�t just mean on your dinner plate! Visit the Vidalia Area and see for yourself.

Vidalia is conveniently located between Macon and Savannah on Georgia Hwy. 280.
Call (912) 538-TOUR / 8687
for more information or for a free brochure.
The Onion Festival mailing address is:
The Onion Festival
P.O. Box 2285 Vidalia, GA 30475
Mark your calendars for April 10-13, 2003 and join in on all the fun and hospitality of Vidalia
as we celebrate the Georgia State Vegetable, The Sweet "Vidalia Onion"!

Webpage contact-Carol Kennedy [email protected]
All Logos and Titles affiliated with the Vidalia Onion™ are Trademarks