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Little Miss Vidalia Onion Pageant Practice
5:00 P.M. - Sponsored by American Business Women's
Association. Practice for
contestants, ages 3-16. Located at Southeastern
Technical Institute on Highway 280.
Miss Vidalia Onion Pageant Practice
7:00 P.M. - Sponsored by American Business Women's
Association. Practice for contestants,
ages 17-22. Located at Southeastern
Technical Institute on Highway 280.
Little Miss Vidalia Onion Pageant
10:00 A.M. - $4 per person.
Sponsored by American Business Women's Association.
Located at Southeastern
Technical Institute on Highway 280. Categories include
Miss Onion Seed, ages 3-5; Miss
Onion Sprout, ages 6-9; Miss Spring Onion, ages 10-12;
Junior Miss Vidalia Onion, ages -3
For more information, please call
Era Alexander at (912) 537-0275.
Miss Vidalia Onion Pageant
7:00 P.M. - $5 per person.
Sponsored by American Business Women's Association.
Located at Southeastern
Technical Institute on Highway 280. Maximum of 25
contestants between ages 17-22,
unmarried, childless, and must live within 50 miles of
Vidalia. Contest will include
sportswear and evening gown competition. Winner
receives $1,000. For more
information, please call Era Alexander at (912)
Vidalia Onion Cookoff
5:30 P.M. Sponsored by the Vidalia Rotary Club.
Located at Days Inn. Creative recipes using Vidalia
Onions are judged in a variety of
categories. Entry fee of $5.00. Great prizes awarded!
For entry information, please call
Debbie Evans at (912) 537-4466.
18th Annual Bud Light Onion Invitation Softball Tournament
7:00 P.M. Sponsored by Coleman Sales.
Entry fee: $120 per team, men; $110 per team, women.
Located at the Ed Smith Sports Complex between Highway 280 East and
Highway 292 East. Mens/Womens Open ASA Class B equivalent
or less. Team trophies awarded to the first four places. Individual
trophies for 1st and 2nd place teams. For more information, please call
Tommy Sasser at (912) 537-7913.
18th Annual Bud Light Onion Invitation Softball Tournament
9:00 A.M. Sponsored by Coleman Sales.
18th Annual Bud Light Onion Invitation Softball Tournament
1:00 P.M. Sponsored by Coleman Sales.
6:00 P.M. Gate Opens
Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club. Located at
Airport Road off Highway 280 East. The world's finest riding devices
and attractions, provided by Geren Rides. Fun for the
entire family! For more information, please call
John Tyson at (912) 537-8813, ext. 249.
Children's Parade
6:00 P.M. Staging and Judging.
6:30 P.M. Parade Begins.
Sponsored by Darby Bank. Located at Southeastern
Technical Institute on Highway 280.
Cash prizes for best costumes. Free T-shirts to first
75 children to pre-register. This year's
themes are "My Favorite Storybook Character" and
"Onions on Parade". Registration
forms available at local schools and at the Vidalia
Toombs County Library. For more
information, please call Melanie Raiford at
(912) 537-1062.
Opening Ceremonies and Fireworks Display
7:30 P.M. Opening Ceremonies with Military Band.
8:30 P.M. Fireworks Begin.
Sponsored by Cintas - The Uniform People. A dazzling
display of fireworks and
entertainment featuring the Military Band from Fort
Stewart, Ga. Located at Southeastern
Technical Institute on Highway 280. For more
information, please call Barry Dotson at
(912) 537-0386.
Historic Marker Dedication Ceremony
10:00 A.M.
Located at the Old Coleman Farm on Highway 280.
6:00 P.M. Gate Opens
Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club.
Vidalia Onion Cooking School
6:30 P.M. Sponsored by Winn Dixie.
Located at Southeastern Technical Institute. Culinary
experts will demonstrate recipes
using the world famous Vidalia Onion. Registration for
door prizes. For more
information, please call Don Selph at (912) 537-7101.
Street Dance
Click here for more info..
Street Dance
7:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M.
Sponsored by Coca-Cola, Darby Bank, and Tumi Luggage.
Located in Historic
Downtown Vidalia. This year's popular street dance
will feature The Embers, country
band Destiny, children's rides, food to tempt any
appetite, music, entertainment, and
other fun and surprises for the entire family. For
more information, please call
Chari Lothridge at (912) 537-8033.
Vidalia Onion Rodeo
8:00 P.M.
Admission price: ages 5 & under, free; 6-12, $5; 13 &
older, $8. Sponsored by
Country General and the Rocky Creek Saddle Club.
Sanctioned by the World Wide
Rodeo Association. Located at the new Rocky Creek
Saddle Club Arena, just 4.5 miles
south of Lyons, Ga. on U.S. Highway 1. For more
information, please call C.K. Davis at
(912) 526-4851.
Onion Run
7:50 A.M. - Two Mile Fun Run and Walk
8:30 A.M. - 10K Onion Run & Walk
Sponsored by the Vidalia Kiwanis Club. Awards in each
category of the 10K. T-shirts to
all runners. $3,000 in cash prizes awarded.
Pre-registration entry fee - $9; day of race - $15. Starts from the
First Baptist Church parking lot in Downtown Vidalia. For more
information, please call Larry Atkins at
(912) 583-2265.
Downtown Spotlight
10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Sponsored by the Downtown Vidalia Association. After
the Streetdance Friday night,
return to Historic Downtown Vidalia for an Antique Car
Show, Vidalia Onion and Onion
Products sale, specialty shopping, beautiful
decorations, and much, much more! For more
information, please call Chari Lothridge at
(912) 537-8033.
10:00 A.M. Gate Opens
Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club.
Arts and Crafts Festival
10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Sponsored by the Vidalia Woman's Club and the Vidalia
Lions Club. Located at
Airport Road off Highway 280 East. Admission Fee - $3
for Adults; $1 for Children.
Features artists and crafters from throughout
Southeastern States. *Lots of good food!*
Something for everyone! Celebrities and special
events. For more information, please call
Ruth Brice at (912) 537-3610, or Calvin Vaughn at
(912) 537-3628.
Air Show
Presented by the City of Vidalia. Featuring more acts
and thrills than ever before!
Including the Acroflyers, Gene Soucy's Extra 300,
Theresa Stokes Wingwalking, and the
Flying Farmer. Tickets are $3 in advance, beginning
April 1st; $4 at the gate; free for
children 2 & under. Gate opens at 11:00 A.M. Showtime
is 1:00 P.M., although there will
be jumps and displays throughout the day. For more
information, please call Kin Nobles
at (912) 537-3979.
Click Here For Airshow Information
Onion Eating Contest
3:00 P.M.
Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club. Located at the
Arts & Crafts Festival. Age
categories: 1-11, 12-15, 16 & older. Prizes will be
awarded in each category. For more
information, please call Calvin Vaughn at
(912) 537-3628.
Vidalia Onion Rodeo
8:00 P.M.
Sponsored by Country General and the Rocky Creek
Saddle Club.
Arts and Crafts Festival
12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Sponsored by the Vidalia Woman's Club and the Vidalia
Lions Club.
Air Show
Gate opens at 12:00 P.M.
Showtime is 2:00 P.M., although there will be jumps
and displays throughout the day.
Click Here For Airshow Information
12:00 P.M. Gate Opens
Sponsored by the Vidalia Lions Club.
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