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Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) is a validated, copyrighted, comprehensive drug and violence prevention education program in kindergarten through 12th grade. D.A.R.E. represents a collaborative effort between school and law enforcement personnel.

The D.A.R.E. curriculum is designed to equip elementary, middle, and high school students with the apporiate skills to resist substance abuse, violence, and gangs. More than 22,000 community-oriented law enforcement officers from 7,000 communities throughout the country have taught the core curriculum to more than 25 million elementary school students. In 1995 alone, it is expected 5.5 million children, representing 250,000 classrooms will receive the core curriculum. An additional 20 million students will be influenced by the D.A.R.E. components of kindergarten through fourth grade visitation lessons, junior and senior high curriculums, the special education curriculum, the parent program, the D.A.R.E. +P.L.U.S. (Play and Learn Under Supervision) after school activity program.

D.A.R.E. is taught by law enforcement officers in 19 countries and is being implemented in Department of Defense Dependent Schools worldwide. (Above taken from BJA DARE Fact Sheet-9/95)

CPL. Rondell Johnson
D.A. R. E. Instructor
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